Solution Architecture

Secure, convenient experience with a leading architecture

This solution uses a multi-layer, microservices-based architecture to support access from multiple devices, such as mobile phones, PCs, tablets, and smart screens. The CityCore foundation provides the capabilities and data services needed by upper-layer applications and can open them to external systems via standard APIs. The solution also supports quick integration with other systems.

Core Capabilities

Higher office productivity and more efficient collaboration for government employees through digitalization

Unified Portal Framework

Unified Portal Framework

Multi-scenario portals and government office applications are developed using many easy-to-integrate functional modules, including portal management, applet containers, open platform, and application management. The systems of different agencies are quickly integrated. Applications are managed throughout their full lifecycle.

Government OA

Government OA

Office applications and application suites are available for government employees to conduct daily tasks, collaboration, and administrative management, delivering an integrated office experience featuring smooth collaboration.

Video Conference Integration

Video Conference Integration

On-premises and cloud video conference entries are provided for full lifecycle management, covering reservation, joining, and minutes management.

Openness and Integration

Openness and Integration

Open and integrate all kinds of applications and quickly build custom applications.

Success Stories

Zhangjiagang, Suzhou

Zhangjiagang, Suzhou

A one-stop office solution is provided for government employees, delivering an integrated portal, optimized OA applications, an operations platform, and an open platform.


The application integration platform provides the ability to integrate and share data and service capabilities; the open platform provides unified, end-to-end management services; the solution enables a paper-free, collaborative, and mobile office, and fully digitalized, across-department collaboration, conferencing, and interaction; the collaborative office platform covers the entire city and all 7 towns, 3 streets, and 180+ communities in its jurisdiction. It features extraordinary security, stability, and efficiency.

Ecosystem Partners

Ecosystem Partners

Terms & Conditions


活动时间: 2020年8月12日-2020年9月11日



Huawei works with partners to provide office applications and application suites covering daily tasks,collaboration,and administrative management to government employees.

Huawei works with partners to provide a unified foundation to power the applications.