GeminiDB Mongo API

High Performance

3x the read and write performance of open-source MongoDB, available to write data 24/7


Support for node scaling within minutes and storage scaling within seconds, easily handling traffic surges


High data reliability guaranteed by comprehensive security measures, cross-AZ deployment, and fast backup and restoration

Visualized Management

Easy operations such as managing instances, configuring alarms, and adding or deleting nodes on a web-based console

Comprehensive Solutions


Game scene

GeminiDB Mongo API is compatible with MongoDB. You can use it to store game data, such as user equipment and user bonus points. Adding compute nodes is so easy, making it an excellent choice for high-concurrency scenarios often involved in online gaming.


Generally, you need to add compute nodes within 6 hours of game service provisioning to handle performance challenges. GeminiDB Mongo API is well suited for this scenario.

Fast data restoration

GeminiDB Mongo API supports table-level, point-in-time recovery, so you can restore game data quickly.

Smooth scaling

Storage can be scaled up, providing a smooth gaming experience.

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